Financial & Estate Planning
Weekend Reading: Family Business Transitions – Rising to the Challenge
Financial & Estate Planning
Family business transitions are often difficult, but there are steps families can take to help increase the chances of success Only 12% of family businesses survive to the third generation. Developing a plan and process to prepare the next […]
Smart Consumer Series: How College Grads Can Boost Their Credit – and Why They Should
Financial & Estate Planning
Your credit profile affects your ability to get a job, apartment, car loan, and even insurance Congratulations to all of the recent college graduates! You did it! Now’s the time to follow that smart move with another and take […]
Smart Consumer Series: Don’t Fall for These Money Tricks!
Financial & Estate Planning
Watch out for solicitations from companies that want to charge you for financial tasks you can do free of charge Sometimes you happily pay someone else to do a financial chore you could do yourself, like preparing your taxes […]
Weekend Reading: Thinking Productively about Productivity
Financial & Estate Planning
“Productivity isn’t everything, but, in the long run, it is almost everything” – Paul Krugman Productivity measures how well an economy uses its resources. It is key to a wide range of social outcomes: job creation, economic growth and […]
Weekend Reading: 11 Best Practices for Non-Profit Directors
Financial & Estate Planning
Advance your organization’s mission and contribute to its success and financial viability Charitable organizations’ public image and reputation are increasingly impacted by their leaders’ integrity and strength. Well-run nonprofits have directors who hold the organization’s mission in high regard, […]
Smart Consumer Series: Best New Car Deals for Memorial Day
Financial & Estate Planning
Memorial Day Savings on Cars and SUVs Memorial Day weekend is one of the best times of the year to buy a new car, and the annual advertising blitz touting deals is already underway. Dramatic savings can be expected […]
Weekend Reading: A Guide to College-Savings Options
Financial & Estate Planning
Finding the right college savings vehicle can be daunting There are many choices, and it can be difficult to discern the differences between each type of account. Learn about the most common college-savings vehicles, including the tax treatment for […]
Smart Consumer Series: How to Find Hidden Summer Travel Bargains
Financial & Estate Planning
What you need to know to find the best vacation deals Memorial Day is just around the corner and your thoughts are likely turning to a burning question: “How am I going to spend my summer vacation?” According to […]
Ways to Make Your Home More Age-Friendly
Financial & Estate Planning
Your kids are successfully launched and, suddenly, you seem to have more disposable income This could be a good time to tackle the remodeling projects you’ve been putting off. And while you’re updating your house for style, consider adapting […]
Smart Consumer Series: Is the Big Green Egg Grill Worth It?
Financial & Estate Planning
Does anyone really need a $1,000-plus kamado grill? For that price, you might expect an actual fossilized dinosaur egg, not a grill that looks like one. After all, some of the top-rated gas models cost a quarter of that […]